



The URL of a Glasnost object usually contains its number. That's nice, but that's not a very meaningful URL.

Any Glasnost object can have a replacement URL with a unique name. This is achieved with a very simple Glasnost object which only has two attributes :

For instance, if there is an alias for article 39 with name "free-software", then, the URL of this article becomes http://domain/free-software instead of http://domain/articles/39.

Aliases' names may contain any character, but some characters have to be escaped [1].

Aliases' names may therefore not be readable in URLs. In such cases, their readable name can be found in the page which lists them [2].

[1] replaced by a code contanining a % character. This is a requirement of addressing standards.

[2] Click on "Aliases" inthe Go menu, or go to /pagenames.
