


Web Interface: Buttons Labels

Here is a realistic scenario to demonstrate the labels of buttons (and URLs) for most Glasnost objects:

  1. The current page is the main page for objects of type object : http://domain/objects.
  2. Click on "New".
  3. Fill in the form, then click on "Create".
  4. If there is any mispelling, click on "Edit".
  5. Make necessary corrections, then click on "Modify".
  6. Click on "List" to go back to the initial page.
  7. If the full list of all the objects of that type is not diplayed on that page, there is an "All" button followed by the object type, eg "All articles"

The corresponding URLs are:

1  http://domain/objects
2  http://domain/objects/edit
3  http://domain/objects/integer
4  http://domain/objects/integer/edit
5  http://domain/objects/integer
6  http://domain/objects
7  http://domain/objects/all

The important thing to notice here is that an object gets its integer number when it is created (the previous one + 1).
